NIETS conducted grade 12 O-NET academic year 2020 with satisfied result implementation.
National Institute of Educational Testing Service (Public Organization) (NIETS) conducted Ordinary National Educational Test (O-NET) grade 12 academic year 2020 on March 27th – 29th, 2021. There are 387,137 grade 12 O-NET examinees with 395 test fields throughout the country. On March 27th, 2021, the first day of tests which served 3 subjects as followed: Social Studies, Mathematics, and English language. The overview test administration has been satisfied result implementation. Each test field has strict measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 with a screening point before entering test field, check temperature, providing an alcohol gel to wash hands, cleaning the test room, test field, and common public areas, including setting up various facilities in consideration relating to social distancing measures for the safety of the test takers.
On March 29th, 2021, we served 2 subjects as followed: Thai language and Science. In this regard, NIETS would like to emphasize that students must not forget to bring the identity document on test day such as an ID card or student ID card with a photo or a card issued by government authorities as well as recommend students planning their travel and arrive at the test sites in advance for preparing before entering the test room. Therefore, the test results will be announced on 27th April 2021 via NIETS website at