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NIETS and TCEB discussed TEC-W testing for improving working skills of employees to reach the international level

On 29 November 2023, Asst. Prof. Sirida Burachat, Ph.D, the director of National Institute of Educational Testing Service (Public Organization) or NIETS assigned Warunee  Liewwiwatchai, Ph.D. Deputy of Director to have panel meeting with Senior Manager, Department of Human Resource and Corporate Development, Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau (Public Organization) or TCEB (Mrs. Piyawan Petchsong) related to Test of English Communication in the Workplace or TEC-W. This discussion was an online meeting via Zoom cloud meeting program for purpose of employee skills improvement progressed to the international level.

TEC-W is the English language proficient testing for workplace utilization. It is composed of 4 skills testing which are listening, speaking, reading and writing by following standards level of The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages or CEFR. Finally, NIETS prepares the test results certificate for all testing applicants.

The picture of NIETS and TCEB discussed TEC-W testing for improving working skills of employees to reach the international level